Purchase Production Services

For Album order discount, be sure to set the quantity to the number of songs on your album. (5 minimum)


Click buttons to order services.

Full production $50 USD

- Arrangement Suggestions
- New Part Suggestions
- Repair of rhythms
- Vocal fine tuning
- Mix and master
- One song

We provide

- 24 bit and 16 bit WAV files
- 320kbps MP3 -14LUFS
- OR you can specify specs.

Mix and Master $40 USD
We provide
- 24 bit and 16 bit WAV files
- 320kbps MP3 -14LUFS
- OR you can specify specs.
- One song

Mix $35 USD
We provide
- 24 bit WAV file -18LUFS
- OR you can specify specs.
- One song

Master $25 USD
We provide
- 24 bit and 16 bit WAV files
- 320kbps MP3 -14LUFS
- OR you can specify specs.
- One song

Album Production - 10% Discount $45 USD per song
- Enter number of songs in the 'quantity' box in your cart.
(5 song minimum)

We provide

- 24 bit and 16 bit WAV files
- 320kbps MP3 at -14LUFS
- OR you can specify specs.
- Up to 10 songs

Songs will be previewed by arrangement/order according to your specification

Shopping Cart will appear when you enter order information. You can remove items by setting quantity to zero.