China Through the Years

Submitted by Taps Coogan on the 7th of February 2018 to The Sounding Line.

As part of our ongoing series of historical video-maps we present: ‘The History of China Every Year.’ Running from 1600 BC until 2017 AD, the following video shows the geographic history of the various civilizations and dynasties that have comprised the area now known as China over the last 3,617 years. Far from the stable monolithic image of modern China, the history of China is one of numerous competing states and changing borders, punctuated by occasional periods of stability such as the Yuan and Qing dynasties.

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The History of the Greeks
Every Year of the Roman Empire
Every Other Day of the Napoleonic Wars
Every Day of World War I
Every Day of World War II
The History of the World Every Year 
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Every Major Plague Epidemic in History
The Evolution of Modern Government
The Rise of Religions Throughout History
The History of Communism Since 1850
The History of Urbanization
The History of South America
How the World Got Obese
The History of North America

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